An Unchanging God in a Changing World
Chad Johnson
December 2, 2011

"For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." Malachi 3:6 KJV

Change is something that most of us dread to see come. We are creatures of habit. We get in a routine in all areas of life and we sure do not like to change. The truth of the matter is that everything in this world is changing.

Mankind changes in the fact that we are dying everyday.

There is change in the whole creatiion of God. The plants and animals are changing. There is not, nor ever been a day, exactly like the one before.

The book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3 is a great example of how this world and this life is full of change. There is a time and season for every purpose under heaven.

I think of how technology is changing at such a rapid pace that things become outdated before they hit the store to be sold.

My grandmother, Odessa Johnson, is 89 years young. As she tells of how things were when she was a young girl – what a great change. Her dad was the first man in the Antioch community to buy a Model T Ford truck. When my grandmother saw that truck come up the driveway she cried and ran to her mother because she had never seen anything like that before.

In her lifetime, she has went from the horse and buggy age to the space age. Oh, what change we have seen in the last 80 years. However, in the midst of change, we serve an unchanging soverign God.

From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. God is eternal and there has never been a time when He was not or will no be. God’s word has not changed either.

The modern day worldly preacher and church has so watered down the word and even changed it that some believe God has changed His mind on what is right and wrong.

The word of God is a living word. It never waxes or loses its power. Forever, Oh Lord, they word is settled in heaven.

God sent his word to mankind and for God to change His word would make Him not be God.

If His word has need of changing, then God made a mistake. Every doctrine of the Bible has been polluted by man-made churches, but this does not change our unchanging God. This gives me great hope to know that the instructions from heaven have not changed.

The Bible will say what it says today throughout all eternity. I am so thankful that we serve a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Just because culture has changed God is still where he has always been.
